Ashok Angrish
Ashok Angrish, a bureaucrat turned Divine Mystic, is an outstanding expert in Vedic Astrology, Kundalini-Tantra, and, a Kriya Yogi. He is born in the clan of Rishi Angira who described in the Rigveda as a teacher of divine knowledge and a mediator between men and gods. It is believed that Rishi Angira along with Sage Atharva composed most of the hymns of Atharva Veda.
The firm understanding of Vidya Vachaspati, Ashok Angrish is that there is no gap between Spirituality and Science; the apparent gap, often felt, is due to a lack of understanding of science governing Spirituality.
Ashok Angrish has been brought up in the family of healer and astrologers. His childhood passed seeing his Grandfather healing small children by applying ‘Abhimantrit dust-particles’ on the forehead of the ailing children. It was also fascinating to see that his grand-father’s predictions were very accurate though these were given without even reading the horoscopes. Observing such things in early childhood made him believe that there exists some hidden energy, which influences the visible material world in a-very-subtle manner. He was introduced to Yoga by his Grandfather at very tender age of 8-9 years and he was distt. Champion in Yoga in the state of Haryana, at that very tender age. The induction to Yoga was, perhaps, the beginning of the journey into the mysterious side of The Existence.
The spiritual practices relating to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Swami Yogananda, J. Krishnamurthy, Khalil Jibran, Osho-the Master of masters, Yog Sutras of Sage Patanjali, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, and so on, influenced his understanding of various spheres of life that apparently exists before us. He travelled to remote villages in the country-side, Shri Kali Temple in Kolkata, Pyramid-Valley in Bangalore (Karnataka), Isha Yog Foundation (Coimbatore), Auroville Ashram (Pondicherry), and many other Ashrams in his spiritual quest and Mantra Sadhnas under the august company of revered Gurus. It was during his stay at the ashrams when he learnt and imbibed the subtle-mechanism of working of Seed Mantras on the energy-field around human body. The journey was tedious but the resolve was even greater. In the journey of Yoga, the lessons from Yogoda Satsang Society-Ranchi laid the foundation in the understanding of Patanjali Yog Sutras. Later on, he was initiated into Kriya Yoga in the lineage of MahaAvtaar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteshwar Ji and Swami Yogananda.
The quest to understand the Planetary effects on all aspects of human life led to the systematic study of Astrology from Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, New Delhi. Keeping in mind the need for astrological predictions with a high rate of accuracy, he studied the ancient Parashari system of Astrology alongwith other modern systems of predictive astrology viz Krishnamurthy Paddhati, Cuspal Interlinking; and, Nadi Astrology.
Vidya Vachaspati Ashok Angrish is always keen to align the acquired knowledge with logic and scientific explanation. This alignment and understanding reveal a possibility of ruination of a previous karmic-load which in turn, facilitates re-writing one’s destiny to a large extent. He has conducted extensive research on different dimensions of beej-mantras, and the science of manifestation of worldly desires/Sankalp by specific set of beej-mantras.
We wish you all to be happy, healthy and prosperous. सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः. Just in case if you are facing any problem(s) which needs to be resolved, get connected with us. We will attempt to help you, based on your horoscope, of the apt spiritual ways-and-means to enable you to lead an improved, successful and fulfilling life at all material levels and spiritual level as well.
May The Existence keep us rightly guided to guide you rightly!
Ashok Angrish
Vidya Vachaspati